Company info

Company name

AVANT CAR d.o.o. za usluge i poslovno savjetovanje

Abbreviated company name

AVANT CAR d.o.o.


Savska Opatovina 36, 1090 Zagreb

Court with whose Commercial Register the company is registered

Commercial Court in Zagreb

Company Registration Number under which the company is entered in the Court Register


Name and registered office of the financial institutions in which the company has opened accounts with account numbers

Addiko Bank d.d., IBAN: HR4225000091101482125,

OTP banka Hrvatska d.d., IBAN: HR9824070001100071700,
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., IBAN: HR9023400091110700601,
Zagrebačka banka d.d., IBAN: HR7223600001102403977, SWIFT: ZABAHR2X…

Surnames and at least one name of a member of the Management Board

direktor Vladimir Markulin, direktor: Denis Poljak

Amount of capital stock and whether it has been paid in full

HRK 2,258,900.00, paid in full in cash